How to Use the Digital Declutter Cheat Sheet
Decluttering your digital workspace doesn’t mean tackling everything at once. This cheat sheet is designed to help you focus your efforts and make meaningful progress without feeling overwhelmed.
Step #1: Select Your Top Three Areas
Take a moment to reflect on your digital environment. Where do you feel the most overwhelmed? Choose three areas below that feel most urgent or impactful for you right now.
🙋‍♀️ Guiding Questions:
- Which areas cause you the most stress or slow you down?
- Where do you spend the most time looking for things?
- What would bring you the greatest sense of relief if it were organized?
Step #2: Start Small
For each of your selected areas, work through the checklist one step at a time. You don’t need to finish everything in one go—start with the tasks that feel easiest or most achievable. Small wins build momentum.
- Email (e.g., Superhuman, GMail, Outlook)
- Task Management App (e.g., Todoist, Things, MS ToDo, TickTick)
- Calendar (e.g., Notion Calendar, BusyCal, Google Calendar)
- Note-Taking Apps (e.g., Evernote, Notion, OneNote, Obsidian, Apple Notes)
- Cloud Storage (e.g., ****Google Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive, iCloud, Box)
- Computer (e.g., Desktop, Downloads, Documents)
- Mobile Devices (e.g., Smartphone, Tablet)
- Photo/Video Storage (e.g., Google Photos, iCloud)
- Browser (e.g., Chrome, Firefox, Brave)